catch, break & reverse
would you like to add some change, dynamize & liven up your hula hoop workouts? Great – I think it’s the best sep after achieving some basic skills. Let’s go on!
In the video below I have a new idea for you – watch it now & if you want some additional tips, than read below the video afterwards.
Great – you have a new direction in your hooping! In the beginning of this video I’ve mentioned about the safety value of this trick. While practicing your hula hoop skills, it is important that you challenge your body to go both directions. Not only it will bring more balance into your body & practice, but it will also improve your coordination.
While learnig to hula hoop you can take two possile paths:
- go in the intuitive direction, that you feel more comfortable with, which will make your progress faster in the meaning of achieving tricks & skills, or:
- go in the direction that is more dificult in the first place, achieving the skill & then only transitioning it to the other one, which will be more challenging, but it will definitely deepen your practice & understanding of the movements.
As mentioned in the video, while learning to catch & break the momentum of your hoop, pay attention on the moment of stopping it. If you’ll break the movement super sudden & sharp, than it is 99% possible that your hoop will drop down, after breaking. Try to follow the motion of your hoop with your body, create a smooth break & direct the energy into the other direction, also following your hoop.
Good luck ooper, if you’ll need an advice, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.
fot. Michal Pawlik
video: Milena Lupa