great mystery of all hula hoop spins
today I would like to share with you one thing that I discovered as a hoop teacher & it helped a lot of my students to understand & feel their hula hoops better. The movement that you produce with your body, while spinning a hula hoop, either it is about hand, waist, chest, nech, or foot spin the general rule is the same. You are making a movement which we might call PULSATION. In a repetitive mode you create the push front & back or up & down. Watch the video including a tutorial of hand spin to understand this theory even better.
Now try making the exercise with hand spin, adding bouncing on your knees, to understand the pulsating movement better. If you can already perform other spins on your body, than do your research – get creative about it, I mentioned only ebout this two dimensions – horizontal & vertical, however you can perform the spins in diagonals as well. Creating the motion in a chosen direction & maintaining the pulsation in this plane, you will be able to perform any chosen spin in a different way!
Good luck, in case of questions or doubts don’t hesitate to contact me!
See you soon.
fot. Michal Pawlik
video: Milena Lupa